Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Cost of Healthy Living

When we think of a health plan, we need to realize that the services included may apply to us more than we think. We all like to think of ourselves as being healthy, but our lifestyle has changed, and in order to stay healthy, we need to invest in our health. Health plans are more than about providing drug coverage, they can offer so much more to enhance our health and the way we enjoy life.

We’ve come very far in advancement of lifestyle, however, with this advancement, the costs of living a healthy lifestyle have also increased. While OHIP provides coverage for many basic expenses, the truth is, that with de-listing of services, and more lifestyle diseases, OHIP alone does not provide enough protection.

It’s our change in lifestyle and work that make it important to really think about getting an extended health insurance plan. (Well, that’s at least why I got one). For example, many of us may work in offices – this can take a toll on our health. The long hours sitting can cause back pain, repetitive strain injuries with the wrists, and even our vision can change with the constant computer usage. This can be treated with physiotherapy, chiropractic services and using orthotics for the feet. These are things we need now to help keep us healthy, but are not covered under OHIP. Physiotherapy, massage therapy, and chiropractic services can provide relief for our pain and help keep us healthy.

Even just having access to orthotics meant that I could buy custom made shoes that fit my feet – the long hours I spent in the office did not leave my feet aching as much because I was able to buy orthotic shoes through my extended health insurance. My hours spent in front of a computer also meant my vision changed a lot – and again, I was able to purchase new glasses as my prescription changed through my extended health plan.

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