Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Choice of My Life!

I have a confession to make. I’m going to turn 40 in a few months. I felt like the last time I blinked I was 25. How 15 years just flew by, I have no idea. Life moves pretty fast. When I was single, I was care-free. With everything, but mostly about my health – I took it for granted. I figured I would always be healthy and that my body would always support me. But as I age, I can feel my body getting weaker, and I can see by my growing receipts that OHIP just doesn’t cut it for me anymore. 

When you get to my age, you realize that investing in your health is an important responsibility. Not because of me alone, but because I have a family now, I have a wife and children who rely on me – and I need to be well for them. Having my first child really put things into perspective, it made me realize that I have a responsibility to a beautiful child, and I owe it to her to be fit, healthy and strong. 

That’s why I got health insurance; I did not want to compromise my health. I wanted to be a father who was present and active in my child’s life. I wanted to be a father who was able to take care of myself. And that’s why I got health insurance. 

But honestly speaking, having the insurance has paid for itself.  I would have spent the same amount on prescriptions otherwise, but having the insurance provided me a sense of security and ease that my health was taken care of, and allowed me to focus on the more precious things in life, family. 

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