Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Smile with Confidence!

They say when you meet someone for the first time the first things you notice are their eyes and teeth. However, your teeth are a big source of bacteria (mostly harmless bacteria). With good oral hygiene, such as flossing and brushing, we can help keep these bacteria under control, however, when we slip up, we allow for the possibility for oral infections, tooth decay, cavities and gum disease. It can be very easy to forget to brush after a sugary snack or drinking pop, especially during festival times. Even kids, after Halloween, kids are prone to get cavities. That’s why it’s important to have Plan B. Dental Insurance.

Dental insurance helps provide protection when you need it, sometimes, you need a filling for a cavity, or need a root canal, or your children need braces, and it is not always affordable. Having a pre-paid dental plan when you are not covered through work plans help you be able to provide your family and yourself with the dental work they need. Having a toothache caused by a cavity can be very painful, and it is important that when this situation arises, we are able to afford to take care of our beautiful asset, our teeth. Furthermore, having a dentist or hygienist perform a cleaning twice a year helps prevent teeth related problems by removing hard to remove bacteria in its tracks. Having an insurance plan helps to motivate us to get our dental issues resolved quickly.

Your teeth are also one of the best indicators of good health overall, a window to your health really. For instance, oral bacteria and the inflammation associated with periodontists — a severe form of gum disease — might play a role in some diseases including diabetes.

A great smile is a mix of good oral hygiene and good dental work, so make sure you are covered so you can smile with confidence!

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