Thursday, August 8, 2013

Health is Wealth: 4 Reasons to Consider Health Insurance

I have always been a healthy person. I don't get sick alot, and the times I do, I recover pretty fast. So whenever someone suggested that health insurance should be something I should look into, I never gave it much thought. Until of course, I ended up with diabetes. The medication I was required to take was too expensive for someone like me, who was on a fixed income. And, once I had diabetes, getting health insurance would now cost me more than had I invested in it previously. From my lesson, I learned a few important reasons as why I should get health insurance.

1. PROVIDES ADDITIONAL COVERAGE. It provides additional coverage. Many times, the government will not cover the cost of other health needs and the vital presciption drugs needed to combat certain ailments. Having a safety net through health insurance ensures that your greatest wealth, health, is always cared for.

2. ABLE TO BUY YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS. Protects you and your family against financial hardships. Regardless of your financial situation, you should never compromise your health - having insurance means you can pay for your prescription drugs even when you make be facing financial troubles.

3. RECOVER WORRY-FREE. Having Can help supplement lost income while you are recovering. Sometimes, your health takes a toll, and having an extended health insurance plan will allow you to take the time off you need to recover without worrying about paying the bills in critical cirsumstances.

4. EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED. Health problems are faced by everyone, from the young to the elderly. We cannot always plan for them, but having a health insurance provides protection against unexpected medical expenses.

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