Friday, April 18, 2014

“Canadians spending more out-of-pocket on health care”

CBC recently reported that Canadians are spending more out-of-pocket for health care including dental care and prescriptions. In many cases, Canadians have to spend additional on health care because they are not covered by insurance. Furthermore, the report found that low-income families are spending less than they should in instances, because they probably are choosing cheaper alternatives or forgoing treatment because of the cost.

In instances like this, it becomes pivotal to have dental and health insurance. You should never have to compromise your health and skimp on prescriptions because of a lack of money – and this is why having dental and health insurance helps, since insurance can cover these costs. You cannot always know when you will need dental and health services, however, you can always plan for the event of when you may.

Getting dental and health insurance to match your current health and needs is something we have helped many people with, and we are able to help find the best plan for your needs also. To speak with one of our insurance agents about insurance options for you, call us at (416) 909-0400.

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