Monday, April 28, 2014

Are you financially secure?

Financial security is dependent on a variety of things – debt, assets, savings,  cash flow, safety nets, employment and education. An important part of financial security is being able to have the means to pay for unexpected costs, and having planned for these unexpected costs.

Accident and critical illnesses usually come at unexpected times, and they cost much heartache, and take can also toll on finances – in fact, 40% of Canadians who suffer from a major health crisis also suffer financially. Being financially secure means also having a safety net when unexpected costs and tragedy strikes. When diagnosed with a major health crisis, having health insurance and critical illness insurance is this safety net that will help cover your costs while you focus on recovery.

While we can never know what will come our way, having an extended health insurance and critical illness insurance can go along way in maintaining financial security and helping protect ourselves during tough times. To learn more, speak with one of our insurance agents about insurance options for you, call us at (416) 909-0400.

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