Thursday, March 27, 2014

Men: 3 Things to Do Before Saying “I Do”

“When you truly love someone, their happiness is more important than your own.” Men and women show love in different ways – men have a tendency to show their love by planning long-term for the future and making sure their wife is happy, not only for today, but 10, 20, 30 years down the road.  Men, before you say, “I do” to the women you love, show her your love by planning ahead. 
  1. Get Life Insurance. It is probable your spouse will out live you, make sure she is protected. In Canada, women have a longer life expectancy than men. According to Statistics Canada (2009), the life expectancy in Canada for men is ~ 78 and is ~ 83 for women. Plus, when your young, your premiums are much lower than if you signed up for life insurance later in life.
  2. Get an RRSP.  It is never too early to start planning for your future. You hear people say that they can’t wait to retire – planning for this early and working towards it as a couple will help ensure you retire comfortably.
  3. Get Health Insurance. Did you know the biggest reason couples argue is because of money? Planning ahead and having insurance can help deal with unexpected expensive bills like dental treatment and critical illnesses. 

Topics of life insurance can be sensitive, because we never want to think of such a situation, but the reality is, it is always better to have that safety net in place – just in case. Marriage is big step in life. It takes a lot of love, communication, and hard work. To make a marriage work, there is no magic ingredient, but it is always important to care and protect one another at all times. To speak with one of our insurance agents about insurance options for you, call us at (416) 909-0400.

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