Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Funding Children’s Education Resulting in Delayed Retirement

According to a recent CIBC Poll, conducted in June of this year, many Canadian parents are delaying retirement in order to be able to pay for their children’s education. Of all Canadians, Ontario parents are the ones most likely to put off retirement to fund their children’s post-secondary education, with 40% of parents with kids under 25 saying they have to put off retirement. 20% of those parents expect to delay retirement for at least another 5 years!  

In addition, many are also taking on loans and using up the retirement savings in order to help pay for tuition and other expenses. The conservative cost of raising a child is average at 5000 a year, when you factor in daycare, tuition, and other costs, this amount can be increased to 10,000 a year. When you have more than one child, this amount only increases.

This is why planning ahead, using a financial advisor, and setting up an RESP can help secure that enough funds will be ready when your child is ready to go to post-secondary. Delaying retirement may be a necessity for some families, but it does not have to be. Be smart, plan ahead and retire when you’re ready to.

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