Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Take Your Umbrella!

Last weekend I’ve been basking in the beautiful weather! While I was too busy enjoying the weather, I ignored the calls for rain in the forecast. After, all, the likelihood of rain was low. My mother, called out to me as I left for work yesterday morning, reminding me to take my umbrella with me. I told her, I didn’t want to carry around an umbrella, besides, and it really wasn’t going to rain. She told me to take it ‘just in case’. I didn’t listen to her, and a few hours later on my way back home, I got soaked in the drenching rain. I wish I had brought that umbrella with me so much while I was getting soaked.

In suggesting I bring the umbrella along with me, my mother was providing me with insurance in case the weather did act up. In life, we cannot always know ahead of time what will happen, sometimes, life can get messy, but we can do our best to plan for things ahead of time and protect ourselves from tough times. Insurance provides a safety net to help get back on our feet when we face challenges. It’s always better to prepare us ahead of situations rather than get wet and regret it afterwards. Protecting yourself and your loved ones can be as simple as making sure you have a plan in place ahead of time. An insurance policy provides you with this umbrella, this plan, and keeps you dry and on your feet when other things take priority in life.

After all, it really is better to plan, and bring everything you need, just in case’. 

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