Are you one of the grads of 2014? Congratulations! Finishing post secondary education is definitely an accomplishment to be proud of. It’s now time you entered the workforce.
The market you’ve graduated in is a tough one, the market is saturated and there is stiff job competition. While you are currently looking for a job, have you thought about what kind of job will satisfy you? Have you thought about what you want in a job? If some of things you value in a career is flexibility, independence and opportunities for growth in character and income, then a career in insurance may be worth exploring.
At InforceLife, we offer the 6 weeks Life License Qualification Program, a Canadian licensing program for Life Insurance Advisors. Within 6 weeks, you will be trained and ready to take your exam and can start growing in a rewarding career that makes a difference in helping families make informed choices in protecting each other.
You’ll be even happier to hear that we hire back many of the students that complete the LLQP training to work for us! Call us at (416) 909-0400 to learn more about our current career opportunities and training programs.